Now I must admit, this is my first reflective blog. I find the process of writing informally about my experiences a lot more difficult than giving my impressions of a film or television show - but I am told it is a must - so here we go!
I call this chapter 'Week 7'.
Monday morning began, as usual, with Richard's screenwriting class - However this was no normal lesson. We had been asked to prepare (based on the idea of postsecret.com) two postcards, each with a untold secret on it and an illustration that represents it. How uncomfortable the experience was going to be didn't hit me until I arrived in the cafe bar to be met with several extremely worried looking faces, all nervously awaiting the impending task!
I cannot explain more about the task as it would impinge on the agreement we all made before going in - that we would not discuss it afterwards - ever! I found the excercise - although uncomfortable - a truly cathartic experience - it felt honest and open, and I think we all benefitted, somehow, from it.
Following that was a rather heated debate about each class member's beliefs - It showed how passionately everyone could get about what they believe in and was a positive bonding experience.
Tuesday brought a written editing assessment from Gav in the DTU. It surprised me how difficult I found it trying to word processes on the computer rather than physically doing them - however I finished in good time - how successful I was is still to be seen!
Later that evening - I was staying at my girlfriend's flat - we watched 'Brokeback Mountain' - I found it to be a very poignant and touching film. It was beautifully shot, edited and acted and deserved all the awards it won. A real insight into the great actor that Heath Ledger was away from romantic comedies - he would only have improved.
A day off on Wednesday (sorry - self-determined study). I spent the day in a meeting with the producer of a film I may be directing in the Summer of 2010. She owns a company called 'Palm Tree Productions' based in Pinewood Studios. I have still to find out a lot more info about the project before I commit to anything though - to make sure I don't miss anything important here at the Academy.
Thursday - and we find ourselves in the always cheery AGOS9 for a lesson on the history of cinema in Glasgow - there was a heavy history element to the class - however I felt it really helped me to visualise the circumstances under which people would have enjoyed cinema in those times.
Thursday afternoon - we entered the world of gameshows and following a brief history and explanation of the format, we were assigned the group task of devising one ourselves. I was a good group exercise and although we did not have long to do it - it proved productive.
On Friday we had only one screening - a Buster Keaton film named 'Sherlock Jr'. As we having been watching Charlie Chaplin films for the last few weeks - I think everyone went in with the expectation that this would be similar but not as good - however I was pleasantly surprised. I found 'Sherlock Jr' more entertaining than most of Chaplin's films - not just because of the technical superiority but the performances also. Although Chaplin has exaggerated slapstick down to a tee - I found Keaton's character to be more subtle and entertaining.
Right, there we go - my week! Phew